Why do my Clients get Homework to Stop Smoking?
No one enjoys the word "Homework" But when someone books in with me for a smoking cessation I have 3 sets of homework I ask them to do.
The reason I do this is because I like my clients to be an active participant before they begin their sessions with me.
Because the thing is, the majority of smokers at some stage want to stop. For some, they might look at booking a session and think that it, that's all they need to do.
I believe it's better to start the thought process by actively engaging with it. After all, if you genuinely want to stop a habit that has been part of your life through many ups and downs, the change must first occur in your unconscious mind.
I want to open your mind up to the fact, that the last thing smoking has been is your friend. And it's time to break up!
I’ve worked with individuals who have smoked for decades, as well as those who switched to vaping and ended up increasing their tobacco use because vaping can be done anywhere. Additionally, I’ve encountered people who enjoy smoking joints and getting high but are looking to eliminate tobacco from their routine.
One part of the homework is the images you can see accompanying my post (lovely aren’t they!). I ask my client to collect all their smoking paraphernalia from the week leading up to their appointment. This includes every cigarette pack, cigarette butt, lighter, and ashtray, all of which should be placed together in a clear sandwich bag.
At the end of their appointment, whether it's online or at my Tonic cabin, I ask them to throw everything away. This symbolic act of discarding their old habit is both powerful and freeing.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Currently, I charge £200 for a session. You can visit my Tonic cabin located south of Edinburgh, or we can have the session online via Zoom or WhatsApp.